Friday, July 27, 2007


Our number one priority and first objective has been reached! The dangerous building on 19th Street has come down. Soon I will have a link to a video so you can actually see it falling.

For now, be happy with these pictures.

Just a pile of rubbish...soon to be cleaned up, we hope.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Special Announcement

The Meeting of the BNA on Monday July 23 will focus on two issues we are already addressing, noise and dilapidated buildings, but our main focus will be on the dog issue that was brought up at the last meeting. We do not have an animal problem, we have a people problem.

The officers believe that the issue of animal abuse is very important. Nobel Peace Prize recipient and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer said “Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives."

Think about what that says for our city.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

BNA Goals and Objectives

The Bessemer Neighborhood Association meets regularly to pursue our mission of improving the quality of life in Bessemer. Our goals and objectives are constantly being revised.

Our current goals include:

  • Increase our active membership.

  • Fight urban blight and work to beautify our community.

  • Develop programs and activities which give our youth alternatives to life in the streets.

  • Work in conjunction with elected officials and law enforcement to reduce crime throughout our community.

  • Improve educational opportunities for all ages.

We are in the process of developing specific objectives to help meet these goals. One specific objective we have discussed is identifying dilapidated structures within our community and working with the city to tear down those structures which are beyond repair and rehab those which can be saved and made an asset to the community.

Carrying this objective one step further, we are targeting the old apartment building on 19th Street South between Clarendon and Dartmouth Avenue. This building has for years been an eyesore, and recently has become a danger and has been declared a public health threat. Removing this building will lift the spirits of the people of the south side of Bessemer, as they will not be looking at that piece of residential blight any longer.

This old building has become a symbol of "old Bessemer" to the people of the community. This is what visitors see as they drive along 19th street, one of the busiest streets in the neighborhood. The Bessemer Neighborhood Association says there is a "renewed" Bessemer coming, and this building is not going to be a part of it.